Our Services
Our goal is to provide high-quality, intensive therapeutic services to the children, adolescents and families with whom we work.
We offer the following services with a focus on improving social functioning for the individual with social-cognitive challenges:
Group Therapy
- Group sessions are held once/week for 1.25 hours (4:15 - 5:30), with sessions being offered each weekday.
- While the age of the client is the initial placement starting point, ultimate placement is based on the individual needs of the child, the known make-up of the groups at the time, etc.
- COMPREHENSIVE Parent Feedback is provided each week via email. Specifically, each week parents will receive 2 emails:
#1 Group Overview: all parents in each group will receive the same group overview-this will provide information on what was covered during the structured portion of the session.
#2 Individual Voice Memo: this will provide details about your particular child (observations, interventions, responses, ideas, etc.).
School Consultations
Observational Assessments
*Note: Group therapy is a prerequisite for any additional services.